Saturday, October 22, 2011

Homemade Charcoal Water Filter

Homemade Charcoal Water Filter

Water Filter

You may be wondering about Homemade Charcoal Water Filter. It is only natural as it is impossible to trust the quality of tap water these days. We are constantly assured that our tap water is safe, but independent research seems to show the opposite.

In South Africa where we live, water from our taps has always been from an excellent quality, but even here we cannot be sure any more. So looking at some kind of water purification in the house has become a very high priority with everyone.

One of the problems you can encounter with this is that if you buy a system, it is very expensive and you are not completely sure of its effectiveness. You unfortunately get unscrupulous operators that cut corners and jeopardize our health in the process.

Making your own is one way of ensuring the quality of your system and it is far easier than you may think. If your water is not very polluted with all kinds of bacteria, a simple use of stones, sand and charcoal will do the trick.

For many years this is what has been used on farms. You can make a simple system where the water filters through a layer of small pebbles, then a layer of sand and finally a layer of charcoal using gravity. Now complicated pumps and more needed.

So, I think, you have to take the quality of your tap water into account when you give this consideration. If you are on a farm and you want to filter spring water or water from a borehole, a very simple system will suffice as the water is only "dirty" and not really polluted.

Keep in mind that a homemade charcoal water filter will filter out most of the solid impurities, for more, an activated carbon one would probably be a better choice.

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