Paneer is an Indian cheese, which is very tasty when made properly (could be very tedious if not done correctly) and is used in a variety of dishes - and (a Bengali sweet) for the production Gollas Russo. Here's how. Melt about 1 teaspoon of citric acid in a beaker, 250 ml of water and an alternate 'water for a quart of 3% fat milk (UHT milk does not work, and it's still pure buffalo milk, and if milk fat just went with the whey). Heat milkslowly until it begins to divide, and if the majority was split, turn off the heat and let the curds settle .. The coagulated milk is the paneer and the remaining water, the whey (some people use the whey to produce milk, butter and pasta in preparation for their bread / chapati / bread). Then the serum is filtered through a sieve (for example, a large tea filter, I do not like to use a towel), add some weight to ensure that the whey is expelled completely .. This may take about an hour .. Ejectthe paneer to a plate, cut into peices and eat! Note: It is not necessary to completely cook the milk, and in fact, if you do, and dissolve all the fat and buttermilk and bring to a rubbery paneer. UHT milk is usually divided .. and although it works well, the smell of lime and lime taste that can not always be acceptable.
Tags: paneer, making, indian, cottage, cheese, food, method, recipe
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