Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Need a faucet water filter? Umm, yeah

Need a faucet water filter? Umm, yeah

Water Filter


A study on water quality in 29 large U.S. cities in 2100 chemicals present in the water. Many of them are bad for you. The right kind of filter tap water to remove most of this junk.


400,000 people became ill, and it is estimated that 69 people died in Milwaukee in 1993 by the parasitic cysts in their drinking water. If these cysts develop, causing serious and even fatal intestinal disturbed. Faucet water filters remove theseCysts.


Chlorine, and saves lives by killing harmful water-borne bacteria, it is not good for you, and there are also reacts with organic material in water or other hazardous chemicals. A tap water filter will remove chlorine. A good system of activated charcoal filter also removes other chemicals "VOC", or "volatile organic compounds".


Nearly 3% of the lesions of the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act resulted in fines orSanctions to study after a New York Times. The acts are not applied. A filter for the tap water is good insurance.

Most of our waters in the U.S. is very high quality, but as you can see from the experience of Milwaukee, accidents can happen.

In addition, we do not know, found the effect on our body to take any chemicals in our waters. We know that many of them are toxic in higher concentrations also cause cancer. You must wonder what strange newchemical compounds are formed from chemicals in the water when they arrive in our bodies and to combine, unknown ways.

There are basically two types of water filtration systems for private use "reverse osmosis" and uses "carbon filtration." Best Activated Carbon filtration systems are called "SBAC" or "solid block of activated carbon" systems known.

When I finally got the attention of the whole problem of water quality and started researching, I came to the conclusion that a good multi-stage activated carbonFilter tap water system was the right answer.

SBAC systems are less expensive to buy and cheaper to operate as a filter for the water tap competitive advantage. The system I have on my family costs about $ 100 to protect and provide clean, pure water to about $ 0.10 per gallon.

To remove chlorine and chlorine derivatives created or volatile organic compounds and other volatile organic compounds, when gasoline, pesticides, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and into our water.

They do not waste waterSome competing systems do.

Do not remove calcium, potassium and magnesium, steam distillation and reverse osmosis systems to do. These minerals are needed by our body, and many of us do not get enough of them from our food. They also make the water taste better.

SBAC tap water filter systems do not remove nitrates from water. To reverse osmosis systems, and it would be nice to have SBAC systems, but most systems that run properly, anyway.Water wells in agricultural areas should be tested for nitrate, and if they are too high, a reverse osmosis system is a best response of a system of activated carbon.

I bought a car with a "Best Buy" for six years in a row by Consumers Digest Magazine, the world's largest producers of water filtration systems at home. Now you do not ever need on what to do in my water.

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